The Knightling gets a 28th August release date

Developer Twirlbound and Saber Interactive have confirmed a release date for the lighthearted action adventure The Knightling, with the date set as August 25th. The Knightling will be available for PC, PS5, Xbox Series XS, and Switch. The game’s story puts players in the shoes of The Knightling, a knight in training, whose mentor Sir Lionstone has disappeared.

In The Knightling, players will be tasked with exploring the land of Clessia to find Sir Lionstone, armed with a magical shield to face all dangers. Clessia is a land filled with monsters and bandits that will do what they can to stop you, as well as a load of puzzles that will uncover long lost secrets of the world. All of this will hopefully lead you to find Sir Lionstone, and restore some order to the world.

The Knightling is set to be a fantastical shield-bearing indie hit

In our The Knightling preview, Dom said, “I love the look of The Knightling. It’s clear, it’s characterful and there’s just something adorable about the Knightling’s big eyes and the chunky world. The audio definitely helps with the atmosphere too, from the mumbled words everyone utters to the ebbs and peaks of the orchestral soundtrack. It creates a fantastical world with an economy of design that’s refreshing, but it’s nonetheless utterly beguiling, despite the simplicity. I am massively excited to play more of The Knightling – it’s light-hearted, action packed, and full of character, and a change in pace to the glossy Unreal Engine 5 open worlds elsewhere. This gorgeous landscape is also yours to explore, with a demo available on Steam right now.”

Source: Press Release

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From the heady days of the Mega Drive up until the modern day gaming has been my main hobby. I'll give almost any game a go.

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