The sneaky goblin returns this year in Styx: Blades of Greed

Styx Blades of Greed keyart header

Nacon and Cyanide Studios have revealed Styx: Blades of Greed, a new sequel in the sneaky goblin stealth action series. The game is set to launch across PS5, Xbox Series X|S and PC in autumn 2025.

A third game in the Styx series, the titular goblin assassin is returning eight years after his last stealthy self-serving mission in Styx: Shards of Darkness. Where it was all about infiltrating a “good” guy fort to access their boundless supply of Amber last time out, Styx is now after the new mystical powers provided by quartz.

Through the announcement trailer we see him putting this to use, in combination with returning abilities and gadgets. With the inquisition hunting for him, he can use a little mind control to turn allies against each other, use environmental objects for kills, place poison gas bomb traps for guards to trigger, and slow enemies down to make for a hasty escape. Naturally, Styx is quipping and grouching all the way throughout.

It will be interesting to see how this game has advanced over the first two entries. They were both dependable, if fairly straightforward stealth action games that admittedly didn’t quite have the depth and nuance that you’d hope for from the PS4 and Xbox One era of games. With a jump to a newer game engine and the current generation of consoles, I hope that there’s also an increase in gameplay quality, and not just a spruce up of the visuals.

Looking back at the last game, I said, “Shards of Darkness could have been a big step forward for the series, giving you a more rounded set of gameplay possibilities, alongside the better looking environments and other areas. Alas it’s not as big an improvement as I’d hoped and is let down by bugs and inconsistencies. It’s a stealth game with one foot stuck in the past, and that remains both a blessing and a curse.”

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