See another gameplay deep dive for Hell Is Us, focussing on exploration and puzzles

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Rogue Factor has shared another gameplay reveal trailer for Hell is Us, their upcoming open world Souls-alike action adventure. This game will launch on 4th September 2025, coming to PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S and PC.

Set in the country of Hadea, a nation gripped by civil war, it’s a grim, wartorn setting that you’ll have to navigate with melee weapons and a nifty drone to try and defend yourself with from some seriously creepy monsters. There’s definitely some Soulslike vibes to this, but Rogue Factor have traditionally shied away from that genre moniker.

This latest narrated gameplay reveal focusses more on the exploration of the world and how you’ll find locations in the world. One of the main things that the team has described as being part of their design ethos, aiming to get back to more freeform 90s game design without reliance on game design crutches like waypoints and detailed maps filled with quest markers. In fact, there aren’t any in the game.

In this video, we see how you can explore a devastated village – actually our protagonist’s childhood village – as you take a simple clue of looking for the blacksmith, and talk to a person who gives some clues as to where they went, as well as finding a map of the area that shows a possible route to follow.

Alongside the main quests, there’s tons of side content and secrets to uncover. Hit random things, look for chests with locks, access computer terminals, and plenty more besides.

Helping to keep track of all this, you do have a tablet, though, which will collect hints and details for missions that you might want to follow. Rogue Factor hope that the main quest will be easy to keep track of, but side quests will aim to really test you.

While not the focus of this trailer, the combat aims to be “midcore” and a bit lighter than a Soulslike – a bit more third person action RPG. The drone is your main sidekick to help with crowd management and lending you a variety of tech abilities like distracting an enemy, alongside limbic skills that are leant to you by the magical melee weapon in hand.

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