Rumour: The Gears of War Collection does not include multiplayer

The unconfirmed but widely reported on Gears of War Collection is expected to be revealed Xbox Direct but ahead of that we may have some bad news as it seems like the pack will include co-op, but not multiplayer.

This all started yesterday when a Twitter user Detective Seeds posted “Gears of War collection should be releasing early to mid August. It is PS5 pro enhanced, but I have been told NO Multiplayer PVP, campaign focus only.” He then added “For further on Gears of War collection. The game is loaded onto PS storefront on the back end (this is the same with others I have said in the past). It shows 1 player and does not show support for additional players. I asked about co-op, but no clarification on that yet.”

As Detective Seeds has a relatively small Twitter following and no track record, this claim was widely dismissed. However, the following day, Window Central’s Jez Corden became aware of the claim and backed it up: “I too have heard no multiplayer. I’m not sure why they did it this way.”

As  the posts suggest, we are expecting Gears of War to arrive on PlayStation for the first time ever, and with Forza arriving this April that just leaves Halo as the last big Microsoft exclusive to make the jump.

Elsewhere, there are rumours that Gears of War E-Day is now scheduled for 2026.

Source: Reddit 1/2

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News Editor, very inappropriate, probs fancies your dad.

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