Team17 to publish Jumping Jazz Cats for some multiplayer kitty chaos

Jumping Jazz Cats artwork header

Team17 has announced that they will publish the chaotic multiplayer game Jumping Jazz Cats, by Le Catnip Collective. The game is ‘coming soon’ to PC via Steam.

With parties of up to 9 players online, and 4 in local split-screen, Jumping Jazz Cats has you marauding through a mansion, getting up to all sorts of mischief. There’s 6 levels, 6 cat GIF inspired game types that blend co-op and competitive play, and a soundtrack of ten original jazz tracks that influence gameplay during the choruses.

It’s a little tricky to piece together what’s actually going on in the rather manic announcement trailer, but there’s so many little tidbits that you can pick out, whether it’s rail and banister grinding, the Nyan Cat rainbow trail, riding around on a Roomba, and more. The game’s look to have a mix of racing through checkpoints, chasing each other around, and some oddities like turning into bouncy balloons?

We look forward to seeing more of this, though. It looks positively barmy.

Source: press release

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